Sunday, November 23, 2014

Winter's Dilemma

Although it is not yet winter, I am already finding myself faced with the classic Winter's Dilemma.

What should I choose as more valuable, my warmth, or my passion?

Every winter, I am tempted to go out and watch the skies, but the cold forces me back indoors to peruse them from the comfort, but inferior angles, of the inside of my home.

I would love to be able to take advantage of the clear winter nights to get some photographs and possibly even video footage of the night sky, but I just can't stomach the cold.

I was lucky enough to be able to get very good visibility of Orion and Ursa Major last night, which is rare. I normally can't make out enough constellations due to cloud cover and light pollution, but I was able to get out aroudn 2 AM when the sky was clear.

I was freezing, however, so I had to leave the sky and grab some cocoa.

1 comment:

  1. It's nice to look back and remember how much better it is now.
