Saturday, October 10, 2020

NASA At Home: An ideal diversion for Sheltering in Place

 Have you ever wanted to take your mind off of current events and reached for your telescope?

Especially in light of the COVID-19 pandemic related restrictions, there is a lot of demand for high quality astrophotography and measurements that can be obtained from home, and I was quite pleased to find that NASA, the United States' Space Agency, is responding to this demand in a big way with a NASA at Home program.

I'm yet to explore the program in detail, but my brief investigation has suggested that there are podcasts from current/former astronauts and scientific personalities, ebooks available for free on NASA's contributions to exploration in space and the history of space exploration, activities and specialized materials to help children learn more and get inspired about space, and even more content that I haven't gotten into yet.

I'm also pretty stoked about the space images featured on a daily basis on the home page of NASA's web portal, and the virtual tours available on the site are a great way to while away an afternoon. If you are looking for a way to get through a terrible at-home science class, try promising your eight year old that they can explore the Houston command center after school tonight if they behave.

If you end up checking it out, comment below and share your impression!